Frequently Asked Questions about FAB and its Funding Criteria:
- Where does FUNDING ARTS BROWARD, INC. (FAB) acquire its funds?
The funding pool for FAB is created primarily by member contributions and contributions from corporate partners. Each individual member contributes a minimum of $1,500 annually, couples contribute a minimum of $2250, and young adults (40 and under) contribute $750 to the grant pool. A small portion is allocated to supporting the operations of FAB.
- What happens if we are awarded a grant?
FAB will enter into a contract with your organization to provide funds, up to the awarded amount, for specific items in your proposal. Funds will be distributed after the event is complete. Detailed instructions on how to receive grant funds will be provided in the grant contract packets.
- May we substitute performers, change the content of the program or the dates or location of the event?
Generally, no, you may not because our members have approved a specific program. FAB is not obligated to distribute funds for a program that deviates from the grant proposal. However, some changes may be accepted. Any deviation from the approved project requires the prior written consent of the FAB Grants Manager (
- Do you give preference to programs for children?
No. We look for excellence in all programming.
Frequently Asked Questions about Eligibility Criteria:
- Our program will begin in the fall of one calendar year and finish early in the next calendar year. May we apply?
Yes, but FAB will only consider funding that portion presented during the calendar year of the grant. When preparing the budget pages, you should request funds only for the portion to be presented during the eligible grant year.
- What do you consider a “visual or performing arts” group?
It is an organization whose primary business or principal activity is to present programs in one of the following four categories for which we accept applications: dance, theater, music, and visual arts (including film).
- Our performances are really multi-disciplinary. We present musical theater works, but we also have a major dance component and use the visual arts as an integral part of our work. What should we do?
Select as your category ONE discipline that you consider to be the most important focus of the program for which you request funding.
- May we request funding in an arts area that is not part of our mission (i.e. a visual arts organization applying for a concert series, or a music presenter applying for a visual arts exhibition)?
No. Your grant request must be in the area of your mission. However, funding is available for programs which are multi-disciplinary provided that one of the disciplines within the program for which funding is being sought is within the discipline stated in your mission.
- We are a not-for-profit organization. Although our primary business is not presenting programs in the performing or visual arts, we have decided to present such a program next year. Would we be eligible for a grant?
No. You will be ineligible because your organization is not primarily involved in presenting visual or performing arts programs. However, you might suggest to the performing or visual arts group that it apply to us for a grant, if eligibility requirements are met.
- We are a support group for an arts organization. May we apply?
You may apply if you meet eligibility requirements, your primary business or principal activity includes performances or presentations to the public and the organization you support is not applying for a grant from us during this grant cycle.
- We are applying for an Education Grant for a program that will not involve a performance or presentation. Would such program be eligible?
Yes. Please review the guidelines.
- May our organization apply for both a Visual and Performing Arts Grant and an Education Grant?
Yes, using the appropriate application form for each.
- We are a division of and/or affiliated with a college or university. May we apply?
No, with the following exception: if the organization seeking FAB funds is an American Association of Museums (AAM) accredited member that is part of a not-for-profit university in Broward County that will provide recurring cultural and exhibit programming; annually producing a full season of programs and exhibits and has an advisory board which governs the museum’s program activities and at least 50% of whom reside in Broward County, the organization may apply.
Contact FAB Offices for more information. (954) 353-7673