FAB is an all volunteer organization. We encourage members to be fully involved in the grant process and in any other area of interest. FAB is a fun and active group fully engaged in the arts community. Your work will be rewarded with quality programs and exhibits throughout Broward County in all areas of the art world – theater, film, dance, music, opera, and museum exhibits.

Be a Volunteer

Your time and energy is of value to us. As an all-volunteer organization, FAB encourages you to get involved. You will make friends and do more to help FAB accomplish great things.

Contact the President for more information.


Members are invited and encouraged to join one of our following Committees:

  • Screening Teams: Training session will be held late January to review the screening process. The session is mandatory for participation. Please fill out the form below, or contact Fundingartsbroward.org if you are interested in participating.
  • Grant Committee: The Grant Committee is responsible for the evaluation and subsequent recommendation of awards to the membership. The applications are evaluated within the disciplines divided as follows: Music, Visual Arts, Theatre, and Dance.
  • Program Committee: The Program Committee is responsible for the creative planning process for the luncheons, receptions and FAB! Fun events.
  • Member Outreach Committee: The Member Outreach Committee welcomes new members, acts as ambassadors at FAB events and actively encourages member participation in FAB activities.
  • Communications Committee: The Communications Committee develops and executes FAB communications, marketing and branding.
  • Corporate Partner Committee: The Corporate Partner Committee oversees the recruitment, and engagement of FAB Corporate Partners.
  • Finance Committee: The Finance Committee manages all financial matters for FAB.
  • Visionary Committee: The Visionary Committee manages the annual appeal for Visionary funding.
  • Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee manages the term and selection of FAB Board members.

Grant Screening Team Information

Our screening process will start late January, and end mid March.

If you haven’t served on a team before, don’t be nervous. We conduct a thorough training session and we pair new members with experienced members to mentor you in each step of the process. Past screening team members, we count on you to bring your enthusiasm and experience to the process again this year!

Training Date: TBD in late January
Time: 10:00 am; allow approximately two hours
Place: Art Serve, Fort Lauderdale 

Screening Team Criteria:

  • Member Dues must be paid for the current year by the Training Date.
  • Employees, board members, or donors* of $5,000 or more annually with an arts organization may not serve on the team reviewing that organization.  (*Donors include immediate family members or family foundations.)
  • Be available to attend the Screening Team Training Session and be available to conduct at least two on-site visits to the applicants of your team.
  • Read and score grant applications assigned to your screening team and be prepared for a wrap-up meeting to score grants by deadline of mid March.

If you have a conflict with the Screening Team Training Date, or questions about the screening process please contact fundingartsbroward@gmail.com